Welcome to LEAD: Learning Analysis and Design

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Welcome to LEAD: Learning Analysis and Design

LEAD is a learning event authoring suite for learning analysts, instructional designers, and curriculum developers. It is a mature and comprehensive solution from training needs analysis through content and assessment design and development. LEAD provides links from:

Performance requirements, to task analysis skills, to learning objectives, and from there to storyboards for IMI content, as well as instructor and participant content, and assessment test items.

Resources to learning events, and to specific pieces of content.

Links make it easy for you to manage and make updates to your learning content.

About this documentation

This document is designed both as a training aid in using LEAD and as an ongoing reference while you are working in LEAD. You can skim it for easy reference, work through it systematically for in-depth knowledge, and refer to it for more information whenever you need.

What has changed in the LEAD User's Manual

For Version 2.0:

Initiatives can be exported from one LEAD instance, and imported in another LEAD instance.

Comments can be added to most initiative screens. The Status and Priority fields can be customized for your organization. You can include comments on the Output Options screen for initiative outputs that come in PDF format. You can also output All Comments for a selected initiative from the Implement tab.

Resource Selection screens (for single resource selection, multiple resource selections for the TNA/TMD and skills, and multiple resource selections for sheets) now display all resources that have been cited in the initiative and not just those listed on the TNA or TMD Resources lists.

Cancellation TNAs can now be easily distinguished from other TNAs on the Analysis tab.

TNAs can change TNA Type when they are created.
Note: You can have only two TNAs active at any time (one New, Modification, or Revision TNA Type and one Cancellation TNA Type). you can have as many approved TNAs as needed.

TO levels (i.e. lessons) can easily be moved between module levels in the same initiative, using Copy/Paste: Move.

Cited Sheet screen has been added listing the sheets that have been created for a table of contents item and whether the sheets have not been cited in an element.

Slide Viewer can be used to view the slides of an IMM resource with an associated PowerPoint file in LEAD without having to download the file.

Multiple resources can be selected on for sheets and performance job sheet test items at the same time on the tabs that list resources.

Resources can be selected for the following sheet tabs:

oAssignment Sheet - Study Questions

oJob Sheet - Self-Test Questions

oProblem Sheet - Problem

Initiative output changes:

oBookmarks have been added to the TNA, TMD, TDD, and Storyboard PDFs.

oFile names are now included in the Media folder for IMM files that output as part of a package on the Implement tab.

Replace Replace-blue is now also available for Resources, Library items, Departments, Locations, and Customizations > List items.
Note: You will only see Replace Replace-blue, when you have the Replace privilege as part of your role.

An IETM Extraction File can be generated for any IETM stored in LEAD.

Missing File Resources report has been added for both IETM and IMM resources that will list all IETMs with a Comparison File that is listed with the IETM but cannot be found on the server and all IMMs with an Associated File that are listed with the IMM but cannot be found on the server. You can also run the report for a specific initiative from the Resource Management screen.

Likewise, the All Resources reports have been updated for IETMs and IMMs to indicate any missing files that are associated with a listed resource.

The Unused Resources report has been renamed to Uncited Resources Report.

Login History report is now available on the Reports tab.

Related Materials and All [selected item] reports are now available for Library items, Departments, Locations, and Customizations > List items. A Report tab has been added for the Customizer to be able to output the Customizations > List items reports.

Locations can be associated to a different department at any time and not just when you first create the location.

Copy Copy-blue a user is now available, as well as Changing the Password ChangePasswordIcon of a user to a either the automatically generated password or a manually entered password. You can also View the details of a user's role from the User Detail screen. All changes to a user (including creation and deletion) are logged in the System Log.

Enable COI Item Level In-Use configuration setting has been added to the Program group to allow you to choose whether to use the traditional LEAD in-use functionality or have the in-use setting cover the entire Table of Contents item.

For Version 1.9.3:

Added a field to the System Log Detail screen to show the Program Location of the error.

Storyboard can be output for any table of contents item on the Develop tab (except for Overview and Summary).

Overview or Summary Instructor Guide can be output for any Terminal Objective Level.

For Version 1.9.2:

Expanded information on the Font Size selection for the Text Editor.

For Version 1.9.1:

Login History LoginHistoryIcon can be viewed for any user by selecting a user on the Admin > Users screen.

Configuration entries have been grouped and an Explanation has been added to help you customize LEAD settings.

A new Deleted Users Can Be Restored configuration setting has been added to allow you to choose whether a deleted user can be re-activated or not.

For Version 1.9:

Expand (Expand) functionality has been added to screens with a tree structure to allow you to open or expand more than one item in the tree structure at once. This includes the:

oCompetencies screens.

oInitiative screens on the Analysis, Design, and Develop tabs.

oIETM Selection screen.

Deletion functionality has been updated:

oSecondary Deletion screen has been added to when deleting archived initiatives, a Modification TNA on the Analysis tab, table of contents items on the Design tab, and all Resources tabs: Consumables, IETMs, IMM, Publications, Software, and Tools/Equipment.

oUndo functionality has been added when deleting items on the Admin, Library, and Customizations tabs, as well as various items on the Analysis, Objectives, and Develop tabs for initiatives. The length of time that the Undo button stays on the screen can be edited using the Deletion Undo Interval In Seconds entry on the Customizations > Configuration screen.

Output Options (Print Preview Options) screen has been added to more screens, including Cited Resources, Resource Management, TNA / TMD >Training Data / Initiative Locations > Resources screens, and the Resources screens.

Library items can be created from the selection screens in the Task Analysis:

oConditions and Standards.



Initiative changes:

oAssessment Package can be generated separately from the ILT Package on the Implement tab.

oCopy functionality has been added, allowing you to create initiatives from any existing initiative.

oCopy/Paste functionality has been added to the Task Analysis, including Jobs, Duties, Tasks, Subtasks, and Steps, as well as EO levels (e.g., sections can be copied/moved/duplicated to another TO level, e.g., lesson), and Elements.

oFlags can be removed from resources listed on the TNA / TMD > Training Data > Resources screen using the Explain Flag screen.

oSelect test items (Essay Question, Fill-in-the-Blank, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, True/False, and Two-Column Matching) now have the ability to have a file associated with the stem of the test item, allowing you to display a graphic, other IMM, or another resource with the stem.

oPractice test items can output at any Table of Contents level for review or maintenance.

oSelect a Sheet to preview an individual sheet output, as well as a Related Materials report that shows where the selected sheet is cited or used.

oUpdates to the Team Members screen to allow you to edit the team members and owner at any time, regardless of the State or Status of the initiative.

oUser Created flag Flag-Orange has been added to distinguish between the different user actions. The User Edited flag Flag-Green has not been changed.

oUncited Resources Report and Unlisted Resources Report have been added to the TNA / TMD > Training Data > Resources and Initiative Locations > Resources screens, available via the Output Options screen.

Resource changes:

oResources can be created from the selection screens on the Analysis/Design tabs, as well as on the Develop tab.

oIETM Selection screen allows for more options to create citations on the Develop tab.

oAll Resources reports have been updated for IETMs and IMMs to include any files names that are associated with a listed resource.

oUnused Resource Management screen has been added, allowing you to manage all resources not used or cited in LEAD.

Login History screen has been added to allow each user to view their own login history.

User management has been updated:

oReviewer license has been added as an option to allow for View and Generate access to users with a Reviewer role.

oRestricted Users have been added to allow you to have users that can only see/access the initiatives where they are listed on the Team Members screen, either as part of the team or as the initiative owner. This change includes:

A Restricted Access checkbox on the Users screen after the Role drop-down to give a user restricted access.

The addition of the Default Restricted Access for New Users entry on the Customizations > Configuration tab, which when active ensures that the restricted access checkbox is checked automatically for all new user account requests.

The addition of a new Restricted Users and their Initiatives report on the Reports tab that lists all restricted users and their initiatives.

oEmail Admins on User Account Change has been added to the system configuration settings (AppSettings.xml - those are not editable on editable on the Customizations tab). Setting this to Yes will email the administrators listed in the System Admin Email Address entry on the Customizations > Configuration tab whenever a user account is edited, made active, deactivated, reactivated, locked-out, or deleted.

For Version 1.8:

Resource Management screen has been added, allowing you to manage all resources used or cited in the initiative.

Cited Resources screen has been added, allowing you to manage all resources used or cited anywhere below a selected table of contents item on the Develop tab.

System Logs screen has been added, allowing you to review and export any error messages that you may have seen to the LEAD support team for review and possible action.

Output Options (Print Preview Options) screen has been added, allowing you to select the delivery methods of the EO levels for the IG, PG, and assessment test items, for a selected table of contents item on the Develop tab, as well as the Printed Guides and Training Packages (except for the SCORM Package) on the Implement tab.

Icons to change the State of the initiative from Active to Inactive and from Inactive to Active have been updated on the Initiatives > Initiatives screen.

Business Rules have been added that can be customized to run when you save a change in Status or Lock items of the initiative or Export the initiative. You can then review the results on the Business Rules Results screen and make most edits straight from that screen.

Comparison File support has been added for IETMs, allowing you to upload a comparison file even to an approved IETM.

Performance Test Items have been updated with a new Setup Instructions tab, allowing you to describe what the instructor or proctor needs to do to set up for the test, and a new Pass/Fail option for Rubric entries.

All Test Items have been updated with a new Reference tab, allowing you to list the resources that form the basis of the test item.

For Version 1.7:

New test item(s) have been added, along with a new Test Item Delivery field for all test items to denote whether a test item is an open book or closed book test item.

oPerformance Job Sheet - including a grading rubric.

For Version 1.6:

System Announcements are now available to read from any screen using the icons in the header.

Two-Column Matching test item has been added.

Storyboard screen now uses text and resource citations.

Design Considerations now uses text citations at the Course, Module, TO, Overview/Summary, and EO levels, as well as for Assessments.