Using the Text Editor

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Using the Text Editor

You can use the icons and drop-downs of the text editor to manage how your content appears, whether on-screen or in printed materials. Depending on you privilege level to a certain area you may have three views available to you (buttons on the bottom of the text area), if you do not see three buttons, then you do not have the privilege level required to use the HTML or Preview views:

Design - the default view, with active icons depending on what you have selected.

HTML - for advanced users that want or need to tweak the output.

Preview - to preview the end result.

In LEAD, you have the following options available:






Applies bold formatting to selected text.



Applies italic formatting to selected text.



Applies underline formatting to selected text.



Applies strike-through formatting to selected text.


Convert to Upper Case

Converts the selected text to upper case, preserving the non-text elements such as images and tables.


Convert to Lower Case

Converts the selected text to lower case, preserving the non-text elements such as images and tables.


Left Align

Aligns the selected paragraph to the left.


Align Center

Aligns the selected paragraph to the center.


Align Right

Aligns the selected paragraph to the right.


Paragraph Style

Sets the paragraph style.



Sets the font typeface.


Font Size

Sets the font size. You can set the default font size on the Customizations > Configuration screen.

Note: The default font size is Size 2 on the drop-down. Changing the font size to Size 1 and saving the change, resets the selected text to the default font size (even though you can see the smaller text on screen prior to saving).

You can force smaller font sizes by:

Selecting the text.

Selecting font size 3 from the Font Size drop-down.

Selecting the HTML tab and changing the font size to 9px or smaller.
Note: Any font size between 10px and 12px resets to the default automatically when you save the text.

Font sizes 3 to 7 are the same, regardless of the default font size that was set up on the Configuration screen. For easy reference, here are the comparative font sizes for each font size:

1 - resets to default font size on save.

2 - default font size - shows as 13px on the HTML tab regardless of the default font size.

3 - shows as 16px on the HTML tab - about 13 pt.

4 - shows as 18px on the HTML tab - about 14 pt.

5 - shows as 24px on the HTML tab - about 18 pt.

6 - shows as 32px on the HTML tab - about 24 pt.

7 - shows as 48px on the HTML tab - about 36 pt.



Cuts the selected content and copies it to the clipboard.        



Copies the selected content to the clipboard.        



Pastes the copied content from the clipboard into the editor.        


Paste with Options

Pastes the copied content from the clipboard into the editor using one of the following options:

Paste from Word - Pastes content copied from Word and removes the web-unfriendly tags.

Paste from Word, strip font - cleans all Word-specific tags and removes font names and text sizes.

Paste Plain Text - Pastes plain text (no formatting) into the editor.

Paste as HTML - Pastes HTML code in the content area and keeps all the HTML tags.

Paste HTML - Pastes HTML content in to the editor.


Indent Paragraph

Indents paragraphs to the right.


Outdents Paragraph

Indents paragraphs to the left.


Bullet List

Creates a bulleted list from the selected text.


Numbered List

Creates a numbered list from the selected text.

If you wish to change the type of list, first create your list, then select </> HTML below the text editor and change the <ol> code to:

<ol type="A"> for capital letters (A, B, C, etc.).

<ol type="a"> for lower case letters (a, b, c, etc.).

<ol type="I"> for capital roman numbers (I, II, III, etc.).

<ol type="i"> for lower case roman numbers (i, ii, iii, etc.).

Select Design below the text editor to see the results.

If you wish to stop and start your list, create your lists first, then select </> HTML below the text editor and change the <ol> code for the lists you want to continue counting to:

<ol start="X"> where X is the number to start the list with (in the case of a letter list, use the number represented by the letter).

For example, if you want to start the list with 3, then it would state: <ol start="3">

Note: When you continue numbering, it may be easier to add the desired starting number in your text until you update the HTML code. Once you've verified that everything is OK, then you can delete that number from your text. The number makes it easier to find the text in the HTML code view.

Also, the text editor may change some of the HTML code, after you save it. So it may not look the same, but it should still work as expected.



Undoes the last action. Selecting the drop-down allows you to pick how many actions to undo.



Redoes/Repeats the last action, which you just undid. Selecting the drop-down allows you to pick how many actions to redo.


Format Painter

Format Painter allows you to:

Copy the format of selected text.

Apply the copied format to other text.

Clear the format of selected text.


Foreground/Text Color

Changes the color of the selected text (the foreground).


Background Color

Changes the background color of the selected text.


Insert Table

Opens the Table options:

Select number of rows and columns and insert a table of that size.

Table Wizard link has more options to configure a table.

Insert Row Above - inserts a row above the selected row.

Insert Row Below - inserts a row below the selected row.

Delete Row - deletes the current selected row.

Insert Column to the Left - inserts a column to the left of the selected column.

Insert Column to the Right - inserts a column to the right of the selected column.

Delete Column - deletes the current selected column.

Merge Cells Horizontally - merges the selected cell with the cell to the right.

Merge Cells Vertically - merges the selected cell with the cell below.

Split Cell Horizontally - splits the selected cell into two cells side by side.

Split Cell Vertically - splits the selected cell into two cells one above the other.

Delete Cell - deletes the current selected cell.

Table Properties - also opens the Table Wizard for options to configure the selected table.



Makes a text subscript.



Makes a text superscript.


Insert Symbol

Inserts the selected symbol.



Prints the contents of the editor using the browser's print functionality.


Select All

Selects all the text in the editor.


Add Page Break

Inserts a page break at the cursor, which will force a page break in the PDF output.