Competencies > O*Net

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Competencies > O*Net

What can you do on this screen?

On this screen, you can review the competencies that form the basis of tasks, subtasks, and steps (aka skills) in the task analysis of the initiative. Those skills are then used as the basis for the learning objectives, which in turn are the basis for the content in the initiative.

In LEAD, we provide you with the Department of Labor (DOL) O*NET Tasks, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities listing, based on the DOL's Standard Occupational Classification (SOC). You may wish to use the O*NET website: to find the relevant information for your initiative. You can also review the occupational information directly in LEAD.

The DOL SOC classifies occupations at four levels of aggregation: Major Occupation, Minor Occupation, Broad Jobs, and Jobs. These groups are reflected in the Type field in LEAD, while the Major/Minor/Broad/Job Code is the specific code for that job or occupation.



Figure 315: Competencies

On this screen:

To make more room to see items in the tree structure, click and drag the bottom right corner of the tree window (or frame).

To make even more room, click on the three-bar icon HamburgerIcon next to LEAD in the header bar to minimize the main menu to show only the icons. To see all of the menu items again, click on the three-bar icon again.

Select a folder and then Expand Expand to open up the folders up to three levels at a time:

oSelecting the O*Net folder and then Expand opens up to the Broad Jobs folders.

oSelecting a Major Occupation folder and then Expand opens up to the Jobs folders under the selected Major Occupation folder.

oSelecting a Minor Occupation folder and then Expand opens up to the Tasks of all Jobs under the selected Minor Occupation folder.

oSelecting a Broad Job folder and then Expand opens up all entries of each Job, including the Tasks, Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities under the selected Broad Jobs folder.

hmtoggle_arrow1Details on Competency Groups
hmtoggle_arrow1Details on Task Entries
hmtoggle_arrow1Details on Knowledge/Skill/Ability Entries