Resources > Tools/Equipment

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Resources > Tools/Equipment

What can you do on this screen?

On the Tools/Equipment screen, you can create and manage the tools and equipment that are used in initiatives. This includes all tools or equipment that are used during the learning event, including hand tools, power tools, computers, maintenance trainers, and all other kinds of training devices.


Resources > Tools/Equipment

Figure 330: Resources > Tools/Equipment

For each tool or piece of equipment, you can:

Add a NewIcon tool or piece of equipment to the existing list by clicking on + New.

Preview Preview-Blue the All Resources spreadsheet listing all tools and equipment entries with all the details in LEAD for each entry, or the Unused Resources spreadsheet listing all tools and equipment entries that are not cited anywhere in LEAD.

View and manage all unused tools and equipment entries on the Unused Resource Management Unused-blue screen.

View the different versions of a tool or piece of equipment by clicking on the arrow VersionArrow in the first column.

Select a tool or piece of equipment and then:

oCreate a New Version NewVersion-Blue of an approved tool or piece of equipment, which will automatically flag all initiatives and places within those initiatives where the selected tool or piece of equipment is cited or used.

oPreview Preview-Blue the:

Related Materials Report that lists every initiative and place within each initiative where the selected tool or piece of equipment is cited or used.

Impact Report that lists every initiative and place within each initiative where any previous version of the selected tool or piece of equipment is cited or used.

All Resources spreadsheet listing all tools and equipment entries with all the details in LEAD for each entry.

Unused Resources spreadsheet listing all tools and equipment that are not cited anywhere in LEAD.

oView Table-View the tool or piece of equipment information.

oView Table-View and then Approve the tool or piece of equipment.

oEdit Table-Edit the tool or piece of equipment information.

oShow History Table-History to review the changes made to the tool or piece of equipment, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

oDelete Table-Delete the tool or piece of equipment, if has not been cited in any initiative. Once you've selected OK to the confirmation message, the Data Item Deletion screen displays. Enter the title of the tool or piece of equipment to confirm the deletion.
Note: You can copy and paste the title from the screen into the field to make it easier on yourself. If you only enter a partial title, the item will not be deleted and the Data Item Deletion screen stays open, ready for you to try again.

Finding Tools or Equipment

If you can't find the tool or piece of equipment you're looking for, enter a search term in the Find: field and select Search. The table will list all tools or equipment entries that contain your search term on the screen.

Alternatively, you can use the Filter drop-down to limit the list of tools or equipment to a specific sub-category, as set up on Customizations screens.

You can click on the column headers of each table to sort the tools or equipment by that column. Clicking on a column header again will reverse the sort. Clicking on the column header a third time will remove the sort. Small arrows in the column header let you know which way the data is currently sorted.

Viewing Versions of Tools or Equipment

Select the arrow VersionArrow at the start of the listed tools or equipment to show the previous versions of the tool or piece of equipment.

hmtoggle_arrow1Details on the Resources > Tools/Equipment Table
hmtoggle_arrow1Creating, Viewing, or Editing a Tool or Piece of Equipment
hmtoggle_arrow1Approving a Tool or Piece of Equipment
hmtoggle_arrow1Creating a New Version of an Approved Tool or Piece of Equipment