Additional Actions Based on User Filter (including deleting a user)

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Additional Actions Based on User Filter (including deleting a user)

The actions that you can perform on a user depend on which Filter you are using to view the list of users. Here's what you can do by Filter:

Active Users

oCreate New users (using NewIcon).

oInactivate MakeInactive users - inactive users can no longer login and don't count towards the number of users on your license. If you make a currently logged in user inactive, they will be automatically logged out within a minute or two.

oCopy Copy-blue a selected user.

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.

oChange the Password ChangePasswordIcon of a selected user.

Pending Users

oAccept new users created from the Login screen (select Accept that shows when you edit the pending user). This will add the user to the Active Users list and notify them that their access has been granted.

oReject new users created from the Login screen (select Reject that shows when you edit the pending user). This will delete the user.

oCopy Copy-blue a selected user.

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.

Inactive Users

oActivate MakeActive a disabled or inactive user - users are automatically disabled, if they haven't logged in for a certain number of days set by the system administrator.

oCopy Copy-blue a selected user.

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.

oDelete Table-Delete a user (select Delete in the Delete column). Depending on the Deleted Users Can Be Restored setting on the Customization > Configuration screen, this may remove (delete) the user from the database, or it may mark the user as deleted, meaning they will be listed on the Deleted Users list. If you make a currently logged in user inactive and then delete them, they will be automatically logged out within a minute or two.

Locked-Out Users (from entering their password incorrectly one too many times).

oInactivate MakeInactive a selected user - inactive users can no longer login and don't count towards the number of users on your license.

oCopy Copy-blue a selected user.

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.

oChange the Password ChangePasswordIcon of a selected user to make them active again and allow them to login.

Deleted Users (lists users marked as deleted, if you do not see this option, then deleted users cannot be restored or activated).

oActivate MakeActive a deleted user.

oCopy Copy-blue a selected user.

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.

Currently Logged in Users (no additional actions available, other than what is in the Actions column).

oView the Login History LoginHistoryIcon of a selected user.