Initiatives > Design > Curriculum Development > Terminal Objective Level

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Initiatives > Design > Curriculum Development > Terminal Objective Level

What can you do on this screen?

All initiatives have at least one Terminal Objective (TO) Level, though the name will vary depending on the Scope of the initiative (later called TO Level Name for field titles):

Course / Distance Learning Course: Lesson

Module / Distance Learning Module: Lesson

Lesson / Distance Learning Lesson - top level of the initiative: Lesson

Manual: Section

Mentoring - top level of the initiative: Mentoring

On-the-Job Training (OJT): Level

Performance Support: Module

Workshop - top level of the initiative: Workshop


Curriculum Development > Terminal Objective Level

Figure 131: Curriculum Development > Terminal Objective Level

For initiatives where the TO Level is the top level of the initiative, any field differences are marked "- Top Level Only" or "- Lower Level Only" as needed. On this screen, you can use Add Missing to automatically create the basic table of contents structure based on the objectives. Once you've built the basic structure, you have the following actions available to you:

Add a New-White Assessment.

View the TO level by clicking on the relevant folder.

Edit the information (including the title, but not the Status - you can edit the Status on the Develop tab).

Resequence Resequence-White the items below the selected item in the tree structure.

Select Show History ShowHistory to review the changes made to the information, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

Preview Preview-White the table of contents outline (structure of your initiative with applicable objectives).

Paste: Duplicate/Move Paste-white a copied EO level (e.g., section) to the selected TO level (e.g., lesson).
Note: You cannot Paste a copied EO level when the selected TO level is Locked.

oDuplicate will create a copy of the EO level. The Status of the copied EO level will be updated to Incomplete when it is pasted. You can use the Duplicate option to make copies of the EO level in other initiatives.

oMove will move the EO level under the selected TO level. When you move an EO level, the Status of the moved EO level does not change. You cannot move an EO level to another initiative.

Delete Delete-White an item at the TO level or below (provided no content exists on the Develop tab). Once you've selected OK to the confirmation message, the Training Outline Deletion screen displays. Enter the title of the table of contents item to confirm the deletion.
Note: You can copy and paste the title from the screen into the field to make it easier on yourself. If you only enter a partial title, the item will not be deleted and the Training Outline Deletion screen stays open, ready for you to try again.

Select Explain Flag ExplainFlag-White to review the reasons the table of contents item has been flagged.

Add Missing AddMissing to create new table of contents items based on newly added learning objectives.

Expand Expand all sub-folders at once down to the lowest level.

View/Edit the Objective information by selecting the link.

View/Edit the Design Considerations at every level that gather information about the table of contents item to help with the development of the learning event.

Editing Terminal Objective (TO) Level Data

Select Edit to make changes, then select Save to keep the changes or Cancel to return to the Terminal Objective Level screen.

hmtoggle_arrow1General Tab
hmtoggle_arrow1Skill Basis Tab
hmtoggle_arrow1Design Considerations