Initiatives > Objectives > Viewing or Editing Terminal Objectives

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Initiatives > Objectives > Viewing or Editing Terminal Objectives

What can you do on this screen?

When you view or edit a Terminal Objective (TO), you see a tabbed screen. When editing, you can make the desired changes to the TO to match your needs. There are several tabs/areas on this screen:

General - the text of the objective, version, and type of objective.

Skill Basis - the skill basis of the objective.

Assessment - information about how the objective should be assessed.

Viewing or Editing a Terminal Objective

To start, select a TO from the list of objectives and select View or Edit to see the fields described here. Or select the Objective link on the Terminal Objective Level on the Design tab. Select Edit to make changes to the objective. When you are finished making changes, select Save to save the changes to TO or select Cancel without saving any changes.

hmtoggle_arrow1General Tab
hmtoggle_arrow1Skill Basis Tab
hmtoggle_arrow1Assessment Tab