Initiatives > Initiatives

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Initiatives > Initiatives

What can you do on this screen?

Initiatives are the main reason for using LEAD. An initiative is a learning event, like a course or workshop, which is created to close an identified performance gap. LEAD supports the development of several types of learning events (see Scope below). LEAD uses the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) instructional design process to develop and maintain initiatives. The main tabs under Initiatives mirror that process.


Initiatives > Initiatives

Figure 29: Initiatives > Initiatives

Unlike the Dashboard, this screen will show all the initiatives in LEAD, depending on your Filter selection, of course. You can use Find to look for a specific initiative. When you select any initiative on this screen you can select one of the subtabs under the Initiatives tree on the left to open that initiative in that subtab, or you can use one of the icons above the list to:

Create a NewIcon initiative.

Create a New Version NewVersion-Blue of an approved initiative.

Change the State of a selected initiative.

Copy Copy-blue an initiative.

Search Search for an initiative.

Select Explain Flag ExplainFlag to review the reasons the initiative has been flagged.

Lock Lock the initiative to prevent any user from making changes without first unlocking Unlock the initiative.

Or you can use the icons in the Actions column to:

View Table-View the detailed information of the initiative.

Edit Table-Edit the initiative information.

Select Show History Table-History to review the changes made to the initiative information, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

Delete Table-Delete an archived initiative.

You can click on the column headers of each table to sort the entries by that column. Clicking on a column header again will reverse the sort. Clicking on the column header a third time will remove the sort. Small arrows in the column header let you know which way the data is currently sorted.

Viewing Versions of Initiatives

Select the arrow VersionArrow at the start of the listed initiative to show the previous versions of the initiative. Which versions you see will vary depending on your Filter selection.

hmtoggle_arrow1Details on the Initiatives Table

Create a New Initiative, Edit an Existing Initiative, or Copy an Existing Initiative

To create a new initiative, you need to use on of the following Filter options: All, Active, My Initiatives, or Search Results (if you ran a Search). Then select NewIcon. This opens the Initiative Detail screen, ready for you to enter the necessary information. Once you're finished entering all the information, select Save to save the initiative, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

To edit an existing initiative, the initiative needs to be in an Active State and not in a Locked, Locked for Review, or Approved Status. Select the initiative and then Edit. Once you're finished making the necessary changes, select Save to keep the changes, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

To copy an existing initiative, select any initiative in any State or Status and then Copy. This opens the Initiative Detail screen, ready for you to edit the information for the copy. Once you're finished editing all the information, select Save to create the copy of the initiative, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

hmtoggle_arrow1General Tab
hmtoggle_arrow1How to Approve the Initiative
hmtoggle_arrow1How to Create a New Version of an Approved Initiative
hmtoggle_arrow1Finding Initiatives
hmtoggle_arrow1Searching for Initiatives
hmtoggle_arrow1How to Change the State of the Initiative
hmtoggle_arrow1How to Delete the Initiative