How to Create, Edit, View, or Copy an Initiative

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How to Create, Edit, View, or Copy an Initiative

Create a New Initiative

To create a new initiative, you need to use one of the following Filter options: All, Active, My Initiatives, or Search Results (if you ran a Search). Then select NewIcon. This opens the Initiative Detail screen, ready for you to enter the necessary information. Once you're finished entering all the information, select Save to save the initiative, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

Edit an Existing Initiative

To edit an existing initiative, the initiative needs to be in an Active State and not in a Locked, Locked for Review, or Approved Status. Select the initiative and then Edit Table-Edit. Once you're finished making the necessary changes, select Save to keep the changes, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

View an Existing Initiative

To view an existing initiative, select the initiative and then View Table-View.

View Initiative Comments

To view all comments that have been added at the main initiative level, select the initiative, View Table-View, then Comments CommentBlackIcon in the upper right of the screen, next to the Help HelpIcon icon. This will open the Comments screen, where you can view existing comments, add a comment, and edit comments.

Copy an Existing Initiative

To copy an existing initiative, select any initiative in any State or Status and then Copy Copy-blue. This opens the Initiative Detail screen, ready for you to edit the information for the copy. Once you're finished editing all the information, select Save to create the copy of the initiative, or select Cancel to close the Initiative Detail screen.

Initiative Fields

The Initiative Detail screen has the following fields available to you.

General Tab

Initiatives > Initiative Detail Screen

Figure 30: Initiatives > Initiative Detail Screen - General Tab

Initiative ID

The Initiative ID is the human readable identification or code of the initiative. This can be any mix of characters and numbers. For example, you could use first two to four letters to show the initiative subject area, the second three numbers to show the level of the initiative, use a letter to show the scope, and add the year the initiative is completed at the end. Using this example, the Kitchen Design module's ID would be: KD-101-M-19.

You can edit the Initiative ID on the:

Initiatives > Initiatives screen.

Initiatives > Analysis > Initiative Management screen.

Initiatives > Design > Initiative Management screen.


The full name or Title of the initiative.


The Version number of the initiative. All initiatives that are created in LEAD start with version 1. Once the initiative has been approved, you can no longer make changes. To make changes to an approved initiative, you need to create a new version of the initiative. Then you can make the needed changes in the new version.


The Status of the initiative from lowest to highest status:

Incomplete - the initiative is a work in progress and/or is missing some required data as defined in a business rule.

Complete - the initiative is complete, including all subordinate/child items.

Lock for Review

oThe initiative is complete and ready for review.

oYou can only edit the initiative if you have the Review privilege assigned to your role.

oTo change the Status to Lock for Review, you need the Edit or Review privilege assigned to your role.

oTo change the Status back to Incomplete or Complete, you need the Review privilege assigned to your role.


oThe initiative is complete and has been reviewed, no more work is allowed.

oNo one can edit the initiative and related content without unlocking the initiative first.

oTo change the Status to Locked, you need the Lock privilege assigned to your role.

oTo change from Locked to any other status, you need the Unlock privilege assigned to your role.


oThe initiative is approved for delivery to participants.

oNo more changes can be made to this version, you must create a new version of the initiative in order to make changes.

When you save a change in Status or lock the initiative, the required Business Rules will run to check whether anything is missing or incorrect for the initiative or any of its children. Any identified issues are listed on the Business Rules Results screen. If the status of the initiative is being increased (say from Incomplete to Complete), all subordinate/child items of it will also be changed to that status, if they have a lower status.

For example, an Incomplete task has one subtask that is Incomplete, one Complete, and one Locked. If the task is changed to Lock for Review, the Incomplete and Complete subtasks are changed to Lock for Review. The Locked subtask remains Locked, as it has a higher status.


The responsible Department that leads or owns this initiative. You can change the department, if needed (provided the initiative is not approved).


The Owner of the initiative is typically the user that created the initiative. You can change the owner to another user, if needed (provided the initiative is not approved or locked). You can also change the owner on the Team Members screen at any time, regardless of the State or Status  of the initiative.

The Owner has full control of the initiative that they are the owner of. This includes approving, versioning, editing, and deleting initiatives.

Start Date

The expected Start Date the initiative will start.

End Date

The expected End Date of the development of the initiative.


The Scope or type of the initiative determines the structure of the initiative on the Design and Develop screens. You can only set the scope when you first create the initiative. You cannot change the scope after you save the initiative for the first time.

CourseCourse / Distance Learning Course
Distance Learning ModuleModule / Distance Learning Module
Distance Learning LessonLesson / Distance Learning Lesson - linked to one terminal objective
MentoringMentoring - linked to one terminal objective
On-the-Job-Training (OJT)On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Performance SupportPerformance Support
WorkshopWorkshop - linked to one terminal objective


The State of the initiative denotes whether the initiative is Active, Inactive, or Archived:

Active initiatives can be worked on, as well as made inactive, exported, or copied.

Inactive initiatives can be viewed, as well as made active, exported, archived, or copied.

Archived initiatives can be viewed, as well as exported, unarchived, copied, or deleted.