How to Approve an Initiative

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How to Approve an Initiative

Before approving any initiative, we recommend that you first Edit the initiative and change the Status to Complete. This will check to make sure all required data has been entered. Any missing data will be listed in the Business Rules Results screen.

To approve the initiative, View Table-View the initiative on the Initiatives > Initiatives screen.

Initiatives - Viewing the Initiative Detail Screen

Figure 33: Initiatives - Viewing the Initiative Detail Screen

Then select Approve. Any missing data will be listed in the Business Rules Results screen and the initiative cannot be approved until all data issues have been resolved. If no missing data is found, then the initiative will be approved, though it may take a little while before that process is completed.

Note: You cannot unapprove the initiative. If you need to make changes to an approved initiative, you will need to create a new version of the initiative.