System Logs

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System Logs

What can you do on this screen?

On the System Logs screen, you can review, export, and delete system logs that are automatically generated when a change is made to a user, or when a problem occurs in LEAD. You need the System Logs privilege assigned to your role to see the System Logs entry under the Admin tab. Whenever you get an error message in LEAD, that error message, along with the detailed Stack Trace information, is saved in the system logs. This enables you to forward the full error information to the LEAD support team to find a resolution.


System Logs

Figure 352: System Logs

On this screen you can:

Export Export-Blue/generate all system log entries to a spreadsheet for off-line review.

Delete Delete-Blue system log entries.

Select a system log entry and View Table-View the system log information.

Finding System Log Entries

If you can't find the system log you're looking for, enter a search term in the Find: field and select Search. The table will list all system log entries that contain your search term on the screen. Select ResetSearch to clear the search term and view all items again.

You can click on the column headers of each table to sort the system logs by that column. Clicking on a column header again will reverse the sort. Clicking on the column header a third time will remove the sort. Small arrows in the column header let you know which way the data is currently sorted.

Details on the System Logs Table


The number (No) column provides a sequential count of the entries, which is not attached to the entries themselves.

Creation Date

The Creation Date displays the date and time the error occurred.


The Message Text is the error message that displayed in LEAD when the error occurred.