Initiatives > Analysis

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Initiatives > Analysis

What can you do on this screen?

On the Analysis tab, you can manage your initiative, complete the Training Needs Analysis and the Task Analysis. You can also generate the analysis documents under the Documents folder.


Initiatives > Analysis 

Figure 34: Initiatives > Analysis 


On this screen:

Use the tree structure to expand out the four main folders and get to the data you need to work with.

To make more room to see items in the tree structure, click and drag the bottom right corner of the tree window (or frame).

To make even more room, click on the three-bar icon HamburgerIcon next to LEAD in the header bar to minimize the main menu to show only the icons. To see all of the menu items again, click on the three-bar icon again.

Select a folder and then Expand Expand to open up the folders beneath the selected folder:

oSelecting the Initiative Management folder and then Expand opens up all the sub-folders.

oSelecting the Training Needs Analysis folder and then Expand opens up all the sub-folders, including those under Training Data and Initiative Locations. Selecting Training Data or a specific Initiative Location and then Expand opens just that folder.

oSelecting the Task Analysis folder and then Expand opens up the skill hierarchy down to the step level. Selecting any skill and then Expand opens just that skill down to the step level.

oSelecting the Documents folder and then Expand opens up all the available output options.