Initiatives > Analysis/Design > Training Needs Analysis/Training Management Document > Training Data

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Initiatives > Analysis/Design > Training Needs Analysis/Training Management Document > Training Data

What can you do on this screen?

The Training Data screen lists the current and planned data for the learning event, including expected length, number of hours, minimum and maximum capacities, number of convenings (how often the learning event will be delivered), and the expected throughput of participants.


TNA/TMD > Training Data

Figure 51: TNA/TMD > Training Data

You can:

Select Show History ShowHistory to review the changes made to the training data, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

Select Explain Flag ExplainFlag-White to review the reasons the Training Data folder has been flagged.

Expand Expand all the folders underneath Training Data.

Edit the training data.

In the screens underneath the Training Data screen, you can enter information about the:

Schedule for delivering the learning event (in the TMD only).

Facilities needed to deliver the learning event.

Funding needed to develop and/or deliver the learning event.

Personnel needed to deliver the learning event.

Resources needed to deliver the learning event.

hmtoggle_arrow1Viewing or Editing Training Data