Initiatives > Analysis/Design > Training Needs Analysis/Training Management Document > Training Data > Funding

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Initiatives > Analysis/Design > Training Needs Analysis/Training Management Document > Training Data > Funding

What can you do on this screen?

The Funding screen provides you with several fields to list the funding needed to develop and deliver or conduct the learning event over five fiscal (or financial) years. The starting fiscal year is set on the Training Needs Analysis screen. You can change this at any time. Changing the Starting Fiscal Year will NOT delete any funding information on the Training Data > Funding screen, so if you changed the year by mistake you can return to the previous selected year without a loss of data. The fiscal year used in LEAD is whatever fiscal year your organization uses.


TNA/TMD > Training Data > Funding

Figure 53: TNA/TMD > Training Data > Funding

On the Funding screen you can:

View the funding information by selecting Funding under the Training Data folder.

Edit the information.

Add NewIcon funding or expense rows to the table.

Delete Table-Delete funding or expense rows to the table.

Select Show History ShowHistory to review the changes made to the information, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

hmtoggle_arrow1Viewing or Editing Funding Information