Terminal Objective Level

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Terminal Objective Level

What can you do on this screen?

All initiatives have at least one Terminal Objective (TO) Level, though the name will vary depending on the Scope of the initiative (later called TO Level Name for field titles):

Course / Distance Learning Course: Lesson

Module / Distance Learning Module: Lesson

Lesson / Distance Learning Lesson - top level of the initiative: Lesson

Manual: Section

Mentoring - top level of the initiative: Mentoring

On-the-Job Training (OJT): Level

Performance Support: Module

Workshop - top level of the initiative: Workshop


Terminal Objective Level

Figure 205: Terminal Objective Level

On this screen, you can:

View the table of contents item by clicking on the relevant folder.

Edit the information (including the title).

Preview Preview-White Instructor Guide, Participant Guide, Storyboard, or test items for this TO level.
Note: If you leave an area (or tab/heading) on a Sheet empty by not adding any entries, then that area will not output in the PG.

Select Explain Flag ExplainFlag-White to review the reasons the table of contents item has been flagged.

View the Cited Resources CitedResources at every level that lists all resources used or cited anywhere below the selected table of contents item on the Develop tab.

View the Cited Sheets CitedResources at every level that lists all sheets listed anywhere below the selected table of contents item on the Develop tab.

Lock Lock-White the table of contents item to prevent edits from taking place.

Unlock Unlock-White a locked table of contents item to allow edits to take place again.

Expand Expand the folders down to the lowest level, including Sheets, Elements, and Sub-Elements.

Select View Comments Comment_Icon to view, edit, and add to the comments.  

View/Edit the Objective information by selecting the Objective: link.

View the Design Considerations at every level that gather information about the table of contents item to help with the development of the learning event.

View Table-View the Skill Basis that the terminal objective level is based on.