Justification (TNA Only)

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Justification (TNA Only)

What can you do on this screen?

On the Justification screen, you can capture the reasons for the development of a learning event in the following fields:


Cost / Benefit Analysis

Changes from Previous Version

Impact If Not Approved

TNA > Justification

Figure 46: TNA > Justification

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Details on the Justification Fields


The Reference(s) describes the reasons for the learning event, e.g., a legal requirement, purchase of new equipment or software, details of an executive decision, or details on the performance gap and associated measures/standards.

Cost / Benefit Analysis

The Cost / Benefit Analysis compares the costs of developing the learning event with other potential ways to close the performance gap, including the development of other types of learning events, with the benefits to be gained by implementing a learning event. The analysis should provide a recommended solution to close the performance gap.

Changes from Previous Version

The Changes from Previous Version lists the required and recommended changes to the new version of the existing learning event.

Impact If Not Approved

The Impact If Not Approved lists the impact, if the development and delivery of the learning event, as described in the TNA, is not approved to go forward.