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Home > Dashboard

What can you do on this screen?

On the Dashboard screen, you can view your initiatives, any assigned milestones that are not in completed status, and a list of your assignments.



Figure 24: Dashboard


Selecting any Initiative will open that initiative in the Initiatives > Analysis screen.

Selecting a Milestone will open that milestone in the Home > Milestones screen.

Selecting an Assignment will open that assignment in the Home > Assignments screen.

Details on My Initiatives

Initiative Title

The full name or Title of the initiative.


The Version number of the initiative. All initiatives that are created in LEAD start with version 1. Once the initiative has been approved, you can no longer make changes. To make changes to an approved initiative, you need to create a new version of the initiative. Then you can make the needed changes in the new version.


The Scope or type of the initiative determines the structure of the initiative on the Design and Develop screens. You can only set the scope when you first create the initiative. You cannot change the scope after you save the initiative for the first time.

CourseCourse / Distance Learning Course
Distance Learning ModuleModule / Distance Learning Module
Distance Learning LessonLesson / Distance Learning Lesson - linked to one terminal objective
MentoringMentoring - linked to one terminal objective
On-the-Job-Training (OJT)On-the-Job-Training (OJT)
Performance SupportPerformance Support
WorkshopWorkshop - linked to one terminal objective

Details on My Milestones

Milestone Title

The name or Title of the milestone. Each initiative has some predefined milestones in the Training Needs Analysis that you can edit or delete, as needed. LEAD automatically assigns milestones to the owner of the initiative, though you can reassign them to other users, as needed. You can also create self-assigned milestones on the Dashboard > Milestones screen. Assigned milestones will show on the Dashboard and Milestones screens.

Start Date

The expected Start Date of the milestone.

End Date

The expected End Date of the milestone.

Details on My Assignments

Assignment Title

The Title field shows the name or title of the assignment. You can create initiative-based assignments on the Initiatives > Analysis/Design > Initiative > Assignments screens. LEAD automatically assigns assignments to the owner of the initiative, though you can reassign them to other users, as needed. You can create self-assigned assignments on the Dashboard > Assignments screen. Assigned assignments will show on the Dashboard and Assignments screens.