Initiatives > Design > Testing Plan

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Initiatives > Design > Testing Plan

What can you do on this screen?

On the Testing Plan screen, you can gather information about the overall assessment plan for the initiative (if any). This includes the following information:

Minimum Passing Grade - captures information about the minimum passing grade required to pass the initiative.

Justification / Comments - captures any information needed to justify the minimum passing grade, along with any other comments about the testing plan.

Test Procedure - captures the overarching testing procedure for the initiative; you can capture test instructions for each assessment separately in the Develop tab.

Matrix - lists all the assignments that were created under the Curriculum Development folder and allows you to assign a weight to them that can be used to determine the overall/final grade a participant receives.


Design > Testing Plan

Figure 185: Design > Testing Plan

On these screens you have the following actions available to you:

View the information by selecting the relevant folder.

Edit the information.

Select Show History ShowHistory to review the changes made to the information, including the user name and date/time of saved changes, and revert to an earlier saved revision.

Preview Preview-White the testing plan.

Expand Expand all sub-folders at once down to the lowest level.

hmtoggle_arrow1Viewing or Editing the Testing Plan